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Pregnant & curious to try Reiki?

Can pregnant women enjoy the benefits of Reiki? They absolutely can! It is 100% natural, safe and aims to improve the holistic well-being of anyone receiving Reiki treatments.

Prenatal Reiki focuses on helping expectant mothers connect with their bodies and their unborn children.

Settling into a position that you feel most comfortable in, the below benefits can be experienced:

🤍 Reiki can ease pregnancy symptoms

🤍 Reiki eases stress & worry

🤍 The mother-child bond is strengthened

🤍 Reiki can ease physical aches and pains

You might feel so relaxed that you fall asleep – and that is perfectly ok!

Reiki is guided by gentle life force energy, and your body intuitively understands its own energy needs.

Your body is in charge and takes Reiki in as and where it is needed most.

Reiki can also be used for treating anxiety to easing labour, delivery, and recovery. I am available to be in the room with you during labour to ensure the energy is calm, to be hands-on during contractions and to be a support for you during this special time.

Email hello@astarawellbeing to enquire about including Reiki support during your pregnancy and labour

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