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It's time to be honest with yourself

Put your hand up if you’re experiencing any (or all) of the below:

🙋🏻 You have poor sleep which means you’re tired during the next day and can't focus

🙋🏻‍♀️ You have a constant knot in your stomach and can’t fully relax

🙋🏻‍♀️ You have a tight neck, shoulders, and jaw. You just want to relax!

🙋🏻‍♀️ You feel on edge, on alert

🙋🏻‍♀️ You’re snappy at colleagues, leading to instant regret and not feeling great

Your nervous system is in overdrive, but you don’t know what it’s like to feel any other way. Unsure of what to do to make a change within yourself.

I see you.

Getting a full night sleep was something I only dreamed of. I was barely functioning off 5-6 hours of broken sleep, waking up exhausted and needing multiple coffees to get through the day. This left me feeling agitated with life. All because I wasn’t relaxed in my body and my mind was always in overdrive. This was my ‘normal’ way of feeling.

I had to get honest with myself and make the time to prioritise my own wellbeing. How I was feeling was unsustainable long term. This meant getting clear on how I wanted to feel and what I needed to do to achieve this.

My wellbeing practice now regularly consists of massages, Reiki, Chiropractic, movement, walking, meditating. It’s being consistent and conscious about checking in with myself and what I need.

It’s a lifelong commitment but one that’s worth it for your body and mind to thrive.

It IS possible to improve the quality of your sleep and have more energy throughout the day. To be more focused and present at work. To have a calm mind and be able to make clearer decisions.

I work with Executive Women to create an optimal internal environment – to feel calmer, relaxed, better equipped to deal with work stress and thrive.

To book a 15 minute obligation free chat about how I can help, e-mail

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