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Hello, burnout!

Have you noticed over the last few years the growing number of daily meetings….. after meetings after meetings. Whether online or in the office, rushing from here to there, running behind in your day and playing catch up. Then going home and continuing to work. Emails sent at 10pm..11pm. Then doing it all again the next day. Repeat. Hello, burnout! Prolonged and ongoing stress. Always ‘on’. Not knowing how to relax, there’s no time to relax! When you’re in the zone of constantly being on the go – your body and mind get caught up in the momentum of filling the day from start to finish with little time for breaks. This can only go on for so long before you either get sick, collapse from exhaustion or are forced in some way to slow down. Making time for yourself needs to be a conscious prioritised and committed decision. Long term stress can have detrimental chronic physical effects (think ageing quicker, teeth grinding, increased risk of cardiovascular events, weight gain, digestive and sleep problems), and psychological effects such as depression and anxiety. Burnout can lead to being in a state of chronic stress – feeling overwhelmed, ineffective and detached from your work and personal life. My newest offering supports Executive women to integrate time to relax, tune-out and go within by providing a space to unwind internal and external tension. Blending Reiki & relaxation massage allows you to receive the best of both worlds through energy healing and therapeutic touch, in a restful 90 minute session that will leave you feeling deeply relaxed and internally calm. Plus further benefits of reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep, energy levels and mental wellbeing, increasing your capacity to function optimally in the workplace.

There’s even no need to leave your office or home to get to your appointment - I come to you!

A bespoke experience at a time that fits into your schedule.

For further information contact

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