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  • Is reiki safe?
    Reiki is safe for all - if you're pregnant, for children, babies, the elderly, if you're unwell, in pain or experiencing dis-ease. The intelligence that is Reiki provides your body with the exact amount of energy that's required at the time of your session.
  • What can I expect during a reiki session?
    Prior to your session, we'll have a brief chat about what's currently going on for you, what is causing stress, or other symptoms, where in the body you feel this and how it emotionally and energetically makes you feel. You'll then lay on the table, fully clothed as I hover and lightly touch my hands over your head, torso and legs. If you prefer, no touch, hovering my hands allows for the same experience as direct touch. I will always ask permission and honour your preference. The reiki healing itself will last for around 45 minutes. At the end of the session we'll have a debrief about your experience and I will provide guidance on where to go from there.
  • Where are you located?
    Astara Wellbeing is currently operating from a home space in Templestowe, about 20km north-east of Melbourne CBD. The address will be provided upon booking.
  • What happens if I need to cancel or reschedule?
    Please provide no less than 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your Reiki session. If less than 24 hours, the full fee will be charged in honour of my time and holding the appointment for you.
  • What is your preferred payment method?
    Payment will be required at the time of booking. Cancellation/change of booking policy is as follows: if a cancellation within 24 hours or a no-show at your appointment time you will be billed at the full appointment price. Rescheduling bookings with more than 24 notice is accepted.
  • How do I know if my animal needs Reiki?
    As pet owners, when our furry friends are unwell we do what it takes to make them feel better. So if you have tried the traditional path of getting better with no results, why not try Reiki? Natural therapies are becoming more mainstream for people and slowly with animals. It will be the norm in the near future for animals to have their own acupuncturist, naturopath and Reiki practitioner! You heard it here first! Note though, that Reiki is not a replacement, but a complement to veterinary care.
  • What does Reiki for animals actually involve?
    For the initial treatment I'll visit the animal at their home or stable and after that can decide with the owner whether we continue in person or via distance. The beautiful thing about Reiki is that the benefits of a distance treatment are exactly the same as if I was there in person. I have done this with dogs and their owners report the same benefits of being deeply relaxed. Once I have introduced myself to the animal, I'll sit or stand quietly and start to meditate to calm both my mind and the space I am in. The owners are welcome to sit nearby - I actually recommend this so the animal feels more comfortable having a new person in their space. In my mind I set an intention for the animal to receive whatever healing it needs at the time and I focus both on the animal and my breath. The animal can walk around or even leave the room and he/she will still receive the healing energy. With horses, they move into a position that lets me know which area of their body they would like me to place my hands on and use their body language to let me know when the session has finished. Horses love Reiki and usually stand face to face with me during a session!
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